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Contrast of VPS Hosting and Dedicated Hosting

In the previous entries, we already compared the shared hosting with dedicated hosting. We also discover the difference between VPS hosting and shared hosting. So this time, we will see the five major contrast of VPS hosting and dedicated hosting.

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5 Major Contrast of VPS Hosting and Dedicated Hosting

1. Scalability and Flexibility

VPS hosting is highly scalable when there is no downtime for upgrades and other maintenance processes. If you want to install add-on instruments and scale your equipment according to your requirements,you can just do it by pressing a button.

VPS server are easily scale and maintain, different from Dedicated Hosting. There is a fixed quantity of resources in Dedicated Servers that only enable realistic scaling of the computing power and upgrading to extra resources.

2. Reliability and Management

VPS hosting is highly reliable because your data will be stored in the cloud on multiple physical servers.This ensures reliability and up-time.
Well, to accomplish this, you will need additional hardware parts such as additional hard disks, a RAID card and a dual energy supply, which will ultimately make your hosting very expensive while being difficult to keep.

3. Compatibility

VPS hosting is a little bit expensive than shared hosting yet cheaper than dedicated server. For the  high-traffic websites and web apps that consume significant amounts of internet resources, we very recommend VPS hosting server for you. If your requirement still can not be met by VPS, then we suggest dedicate server for you.

4. Security

Dedicate server are physically safer than hosting VPS because it is the only client that uses that server. That doesn’t deny the need to be vigilant and make sure your server is safe and protected.

5. Price

Dedicated hosting, however, is more expensive than VPS, which deters many individuals from using it while VPS in the current situation is a huge selling commodity.

Every server have their own features that fit every website requirements. At Casbay, we offered many affordable plans that you might can choose. If you are interested, you can check it here. VPS Management Plan. Dedicated Server Management.

See you in next entry 🙂