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Types of Virtual Machine

Many people that use web hosting do not know what is mean by VM of virtual machine. It is one of the important thing in web hosting. Web hosting might not working if there is no virtual machine. So, here we will define the meaning and the types of virtual machine for you.


  • A “virtual machine” was originally defined by Popek and Goldberg as “an efficient, isolated duplicate of a real computer machine.
  • Virtual machine is an emulated computer system equivalent running on top of another system.
  • Virtual machines are based on computer architectures and provide functionality of a physical computer.
  • It can access a variety of resources. They are computing power, through hardware-assisted but limited access to the host machine’s CPU and memory, one or more physical or virtual disk devices for storage, a virtual or real network interface, as well as any devices such as video cards, USB devices, or other hardware that are shared with the virtual machine.
  • Disk image is when the virtual disk store the virtual machine. A disk image may contain files for booting a virtual machine or may contain any other specific storage requirements.

Types of VM

System Virtual Machines

A system virtual machine is an environment that allows multiple instances of the operating system(VMs) to run on a host system and sharing the physical resources. They also provide a substitute for a real machine. They provide functionality needed to execute entire operating systems. A hypervisor uses native execution to share and manage hardware, allowing for multiple environments which are isolate from one another, yet exist on the same physical machine. Modern hypervisors use hardware-assisted virtualization, virtualization-specific hardware, primarily from the host CPUs.

Process Virtual Machine

The use of process virtual machine is to execute computer programs in a platform-independent environment. It function is to run applications in the same way irrespective of the platform. Some virtual machines function are also to emulate different architectures and allow execution of software applications and operating systems written for another CPU or architecture. Virtualization at the operating system level allows for the partitioning of computer’s resources via the kernel. However, the terms are not universally interchangeable.

With the information shared, we hope that people will know the types of virtual machine and its meaning.

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