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Email Web Hosting

Web hosting | 5 Amazing Benefits of Hosting Emails on VPS

Once your company’s website is up and operating on VPS web hosting, it’s time to migrate your company’s email to the same VPS hosting provider. Every firm today uses email as the major means of internal and external official communication. It can be a stressful experience not having an email housed on the same VPS hosting, and you, as a business owner, will never desire that.

Advantages of Creating Email Accounts on VPS

Having your email hosted on a VPS server has a number of advantages. The following are some of the value-added benefits:

1. Better Privacy

The most significant benefit of having email housed on a VPS is privacy. Your resources are isolated from those of others on the same server in a VPS hosting environment, giving you increased privacy. When you sign up for an email account with one of the major providers, you must agree to their Terms and Conditions. On the other hand, with email hosted on a VPS, you can set your own terms and conditions.

2. Enhanced Email Security

The terms privacy and security are frequently used interchangeably in the web hosting industry. When you host your emails on a VPS, you gain more than just anonymity; you also get more protection. With any other type of web hosting, the risk of being attacked by hacking tactics is always present. Many email services are hacked on a regular basis, resulting in the theft of sensitive client information. You may secure your business’s private emails by hosting them on a VPS hosting server, as its resources are completely isolated from the rest of the server’s resources.

3. No Downtime Issues

We’re all aware of the negative effects that a website outage may have on a company’s bottom line. In the case of emails, the same risk exists. It might be aggravating to be unable to receive or transmit critical communications. Most email hosting firms claim to have a 99 percent uptime rate, although most of the major email service providers do not. The more well-known email companies may never fall offline, but they are a possible target for cybercriminals who may cause service delays. If the cyberattack is large enough, it might cause protracted downtime, which is a risky condition for any company.

Our company Casbay Singapore is a reputable web hosting provider, which provides a variety of hosting services (including VPS), has a devoted and proactive team of technical professionals. We are proactive in resolving your downtime difficulties in a short amount of time. For continual business assistance, the provider’s experienced team is available to answer any of your technical questions.

4. Establish Your Brand with a Customized Email

Your company’s brand identity is unavoidably important. The brand identity is what makes people recognise you as a company. As a result, you must also incorporate your brand in the emails to further boost your brand identity with your potential clients. Because emails are the most effective means of connecting with external business stakeholders, having a branded email aids in building your digital persona outside of the organisation. When you host your emails on a VPS, you receive more customization options to match your brand. A personalised email enhances your credibility among potential end-customers.

You’ve probably noticed that email addresses from major providers frequently take the form email-id@provider’ This may appear credible, yet it lacks corporate professionalism. You can generate professional email addresses such as [email protected] using email servers and a VPS subscription. These email addresses provide you complete control over who has access to your emails. You can even delete all of the email accounts of employees who have left the firm.

5. Self-Managed Functionalities

The majority of the main email providers give a variety of functions. These companies have complete control over whether or not these features are updated or removed. You can picture the ramifications of a crucial feature being deleted without your permission. Adding an undesirable feature/functionality that may or may not be of any use to you is a comparable instance. When emails are housed on a VPS, however, these changes have a very small likelihood of having a substantial impact. If these modifications have an immediate impact, it will solely be due to the settings given by your VPS provider.Furthermore, with a VPS, you have entire control over your emailing configuration, and you can choose which features to keep or delete based on your demands.

Concluding Remarks

Finally, having emails hosted on a VPS provides a user with numerous advantages. Aside from expanded capability for email hosting, one may easily take use of the advantages of owning a personal server. Other advantages of a VPS-hosted email are addressed in the article. As a result, you should always use a reputable VPS hosting service to host your emails. Feel free to visit our website for more information about web hosting.