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Why Cloud Computing is Better?

About Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a type of computing that relies on shared computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications. It is a kind of outsourcing of software, data storage, and processing. User’s access applications and files by logging in from any device that has an internet connection.

Information and programs are hosted by outside parties and live on a global network of secure data centers instead of on the user’s hard drive. This frees up processing power, facilitates sharing and collaboration, and allows secure mobile access regardless of where the user is or what device is use.

Before the existence of Cloud Computing

    • Large servers

Businesses no longer need to house banks of servers in well-ventilated closets or equipment rooms.

    • Data storage devices

Employees don’t have to manually back up data on hard drives, discs, or external devices.

    • Limited geographic access

Employees and managers are no longer tether to the office. They can be just as productive when traveling or working remotely as they can from the business’ headquarters. They do not tie access to processes and information to a particular geographic location.

    • Outdated off-the-shelf software

Software updates used to require major expenditures every few years to buy the latest version of important programs. Applications had to be manually installed and maintained on every device. Only the largest enterprises could hire developers to create customized software. Bugs and security problems might go unaddressed for years.

    • Information loss

Managers used to fear that an emergency or natural disaster could wipe out all of a company’s records. Data that is stored locally on office computers is vulnerable to loss or failure, but data stored in the cloud has multiple safeguards.

    • Duplicate versions of documents

Employees no longer have to email files back and forth, with one person making changes at a time and different versions of work products stored locally on multiple devices. Cloud-based files with shared access are always up-to-date. Colleagues can be confident that they are all seeing the same thing and working with the same information.

Why Computing Cloud is better?

    • Accessible from anywhere

They does not tie applications and data to a device. They are accessible from anywhere, enabling real-time collaboration by remote teams.

    • Flexible and scalable

Cloud-based applications are infinitely customizable. It is easy to increase power, storage, and bandwidth as users’ needs change.

    • Cost-effective

Businesses only pay for what they use, usually on a per-month, per-seat basis. There is no hardware taking up space and using electricity 24/7.

    • Hassle-free updates

They constantly update web-based software. The vendor handles maintenance, backups, and troubleshooting.

    • Fast

Service is delivered on demand through a global network of secure data centers that are constantly upgraded for maximum efficiency and performance.

    • Secure

Information is not vulnerable to a flood, fire, natural disaster, or hardware failure in one location. They are constantly update and analyze the security protocols and infrastructure, to address new threats.